Bombardier Dash 8 [4022]

Registration: TF-FXA
Operator: Air Iceland
HEX Code:
Engines: PW150A x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
LN-RDGSAS Scandinavian AirlinesDHC-8-4022000SE-LRG, OY-KCC SAS reall/ntu, s Downsview 30.05.00 primer, dam CPH 22.10.00 (tt 58, 42 l), repaired, painted, ret is 28.12.00, OY-KCC reserved 4.10.01, but app. ntu again, still in svc as LN-RDG s8.07.02 GOT-BRU, USK SC r01.07.03 opb SAS, type wfu with SAS 28.10.07 after incidents, frd Bergen-CPH 21.11.07, s28.12.07, tt 12166, 14550 l, frd CPH-Exeter 27.05.08, s Exeter 30.06.08 basic SAS col
G-ECOYFlyBeDHC-8-4022008to NWI 21.07.08 for repaint, to Exeter 06.08.08 fc, LN-reg canc 30.09.08 wears G-ECOY, but rgd FlyBe 30.09.08, ret SAS, reg canc 11.10.10, but restored 14.10.10 rgd Bombardier Svcs (UK) s str Exeter 05.11.10 white, s 09.02.11, Aerocentury Corp due 01.11, frd Exeter--Sault St Marie 09-11.04.11, canc 06.05.11
P2-PXPAir NiuginiDHC-8-4022013Bombardier C-rgd 26.05.11, str Saul St. Marie ON, repainted at Muskoka ON, depa 08.03.13 for final flight testing at Saul St. Marie and delivery, C-reg canc 12.04.13, frd Port Moresby--NWI 23-26.08.15 for repaint
TF-FXAAir IcelandDHC-8-4022015ro NWI 11.09.15 green primer TF-rgd, frd to Exeter 19.10.15 for overh, frd EXT-NWI 31.03.16 primer, NWI-EXT 10.04.16 after paint
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TF-FXA Air IcelandOTT/OFFAyronautica
G-ECOY FlyBeEGKKWarthog1