Bombardier Dash 8 [4052]

Registration: 9G-DIA
Operator: PassionAir
HEX Code:
Engines: PW150A x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
C-GFODBombardier Aerospace CorporationDHC-8-4022001
G-JEDIBritish European AirwaysDHC-8-4022001C-reg canc 19.10.01, G-rgd 25.10.01, arr Exeter 23.11.01 white, fc s29.11.01
G-JEDIFlyBeDHC-8-4022002frd to NWI 19.09.11, repainted all white, frd to Exeter 25.09.11, for return to lessor, frd to MST 28.10.11, ret A & L CF June (2) r10.11.11, sMST 29.02.12 white, Amra Leasing (Dublin) r12.09.12, MST-SNN-MST 12.10.12 for paperwork, for operating lease via 11.12, frd to EIN 02.05.13 for painting, 31.05.13 white, inside hangar, frd EIN-MST 03.08.13 own Amra, frd all white MST--WIL 13-14.09.13, sWIL 13.10.13, G-reg canc 02.12.13 to 5Y-
5Y-QHWJamboJetDHC-8-4022013chartered to Jambojet by 2016, to Exeter for long overhaul 12.16, replaced by cn 4491, frd Exeter--NBO 19-23.07.17
9G-DIAPassionAirDHC-8-4022018sACC 29.09.18 rrgd, frd ACC--MLA 27.06.19 for paint all white, ret ACC 25.09.19 also repo opf DAC (not PassionAir)
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All Users Sightings

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G-JEDI FlyBeEGPKAyronautica
G-JEDI FlyBeEGHIWarthog1
G-JEDI FlyBeEGACRJflyerPhoto Taken
G-JEDI FlyBeOTT/OFFAyronautica
G-JEDI FlyBeEGHIcolinw
G-JEDI FlyBeEGBBgrahamepage