Bombardier Dash 8 [4058]

Registration: S2-AGW
Operator: US Bangla Airlines
HEX Code:
Engines: PW150A x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
C-FDHZBombardier Aerospace CorporationDHC-8-4022001
G-JEDJBritish European AirwaysDHC-8-4022002frd Goose Bay--Exeter 26.01.02
G-JEDJFlyBeDHC-8-4022002frd BHX-DUB 11.12.11 repainted all white, ret BHX 18.12.11, ret to Walker Avtn Leasing r14.02.12, sExeter 10.02.12 white, s28.03.12
JU-9917Eznis AirwaysDHC-8-4022013Magellan Aviation Services bt r30.07.12, frd EXT--YYZ 09.08.12, G-reg canc 14.08.12, C-reg Bombardier bt r22.08.12, World Wide Aircraft Ferrying r06.09.12, frd YYZ-Muskoka YQA for repaint, ret YYZ 23.10.12, frd YYZ--Kefl 04.02.13 white on del, C-reg canc 15.02.13 sold to Nordic Avtn Cap, Eznis ceased ops 05.14, frd MSQ-BLL 30.05.14 ret lessor Nordic Avtn Capital
S2-AGWUS Bangla AirlinesDHC-8-4022015Nordic Avtn Capital, rgd 04.11.14, frd BLL-EIN 07.11.14 repaint white, ret BLL 01.12.14, str Billund, frd for sale/lse 11.14, canc 12.14, restored 28.01.15 to Nordic Avtn Leasing, OY-reg canc 04.06.15, depa BLL 16.06.15, NAC sold to US-Bangla 09.15 ex lse
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
G-JEDJ FlyBeEGHIWarthog1
G-JEDJ FlyBeEGPKAyronautica
G-JEDJ FlyBeEGJJcolinw
G-JEDJ FlyBeEGPFAyronautica
G-JEDJ FlyBeEGBBgrahamepage