Bombardier Dash 8 [4065]

Registration: 9H-AGL
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Engines: PW150A x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-JEDKFlyBeDHC-8-4022002C-reg canc 17.04.02, s9.05.02 Exeter nw Flybe colours, sBHX 08.03.12 now white, still in svc s19.03.12, last svc 23.03.12, frd to MST 23.04.12 due ret lessor, Amra Leasing (Dublin) r12.09.12, for operating lease via 11.12, sMST 15.04.13 white, frd MST-WOE 23.08.13, frd to MST white 11.12.13, frd MST-Innsbruck 01.02.14, canc 14.11.14 to 5Y-
5Y-QUEJamboJetDHC-8-4022015opb DAC Aviation, fis 30.03.15 NBO-LAU white/titles, s18.02.17 NBO, frd NBO--MLA 08.05.17 white, ret lessor, repo 09.17 for sale or lease from 12.17, tt 22683, 27295 l
9H-AGLLessorDHC-8-4022018sMLA 24.10.17 9H-rgd
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
9H-AGL LessorEGCCcolinw
G-JEDK FlyBeEGHIWarthog1
G-JEDK FlyBeEGPFAyronautica
G-JEDK FlyBeEGCCcolinw
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