Bombardier Dash 8 [4106]

Registration: RA-67252
Operator: Aurora Airlines
HEX Code:
Engines: PW150A x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
C-FCVEBombardier Aerospace CorporationDHC-8-4022005
JA849AAir Nippon NetworkDHC-8-4022005frd, arr Osaka ITM 16.07.05, C-reg canc 18.07.05, JArgd 20.07.05, is 22.07.05, dam 13.03.07 Kochi, landing with noseleg still up, frd to Osaka ITM 31.05.07 for further repairs, but never retd in svc, to be sold back to Bombardier repo 06.08, ANA bt ex lessor r21.01.09, r/o ITM07.03.10 basic ANA col, airtest 18.03.10, canc 26.03.10
C-GDXCBombardier Aerospace CorporationDHC-8-4022010
JU-9919Eznis AirwaysDHC-8-4022012r01.04.10, frd ITM--YYZ 13-16.04.10, s13.09.10 C-rgd basic ANA col, frd YYZ-YZD 10.11.10, Worldwide Aircraft Ferrying C-rgd 02.02.11, sold to Nordic Avtn Capital repo, frd YZD--KEF 11-13.08.11, sZhukovsky 18.08.11 NAC Leasing titles, ex ANA cs, s08.06.12, frd to Muskoka YQA 16.06.12 for repaint, ret YYZ 16.07.12, C-reg canc 07.08.12, del YYZ--HEL 14-15.08.12 Eznis fcs, Eznis ceased ops 05.14, frd MSQ-BLL 30.05.14 ret lessor Nordic Avtn Capital
C-GSXACorporateDHC-8-4022015Nordic Avtn Capital, rr 24.11.14, str, for sale/lse 12.14, still str 05.15, frd BLL-SVO-BLL 15-17.04.15, maybe for demo, s Toronto YYZ 20.04.15, OY-reg canc 26.05.15 to C-
RA-67252Aurora AirlinesDHC-8-4022015frd Muskoka-YYZ 02.10.15 now Aurora cs, frd YYZ--DME 08-09.10.15 for paperwork purposes, ret YYZ 13.10.15 for C-check, airtest YTZ 18.02.16, frd YYZ--SVO 03-04.03.16 C-rgd, C-reg canc 18.03.16
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
JU-9919 Eznis AirwaysCYYZFlyDroo