Bombardier Dash 8 [4137]

Registration: C-FFQI
Operator: Conair
HEX Code: C00EDD
Engines: PW150A x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Services
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
C-FHQLBombardier Aerospace CorporationDHC-8-4022006
HL5255Jeju AirDHC-8-4022006canc 15.11.06, depa 17.11.06, arr Seoul 23.11.06
HK-4724-XAIRES ColombiaDHC-8-4022010s21.08.10 no suffix, sMedellin EOH 03.09.10 awaits repaint/rereg, r01.10.10, sis Cali 30.10.10 with suffix, special scheme (different each side)
HK-4724-XLAN ColombiaDHC-8-4022011wfu and for sale by 01.08.12, sRockford RFD 16.10.13 no props, white, presum ret lessor
C-FDLOWorldwide Aircraft FerryingDHC-8-4022014WFBN N-reg res 03.14, r15.04.14, for lse to LGW/Air Berlin, D-ABQP res 05.05.14, ntu? World Wide Ac Ferrying 08.05.14 C-rgd r29.05.14, frd as such YYZ-Muskoka 18.07.14 for repaint
D-ABQPAir Berlin (LGW - Luftfahrtgesellschaft Walter)DHC-8-4022014sYYZ 28.10.14 fcs, frd YYZ--KEF 31.10.14, D-rgd 12.11.14
D-ABQPEurowings (LGW - Luftfahrtgesellschaft Walter)DHC-8-4022017frd DUS-BTS 08.04.20 str
D-ABQPLGW - Luftfahrtgesellschaft WalterDHC-8-4022020Std BTS 08.04.2020
OE-IMHLessorDHC-8-4022022Nordic Aviation Capital
C-FFQIConairDHC-8-4022023Firefighter conv.
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All Users Sightings

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D-ABQP Air Berlin (LGW - Luftfahrtgesellschaft Walter)OTT/OFFgrahamepage