Bombardier Dash 8 [4265]

Registration: D-ABQK
Operator: Eurowings (LGW - Luftfahrtgesellschaft Walter)
HEX Code:
Engines: PW150A x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
C-FXJCBombardier Aerospace CorporationDHC-8-4022009
N511LXFrontier Airlines (Lynx Aviation)DHC-8-4022009Snowy owl col, sis to Aspen ar 08.10, frd Colorado Springs-Victorville 26.09.10, still/again in svc 02.11
C-GMRXCorporateDHC-8-4022011frd DEN-YYZ Frontier col/repo for Jazz air but app netu, N-rgd still 05.04.11, canc 20.05.11, Skyservice Business Avtn r27.05.11, r/o YYZ 17.05.11
HB-JIKSky Work AirlinesDHC-8-4022011Centauriyum AG HB-rgd 03.06.11, frd YYZ--OBF 03-04.06.11 still Frontier cs, for repaint, ret Bern 30.06.11, for sale 07.12 via repo 03.12, arr MST 21.09.13
D-ABQKAir Berlin (LGW - Luftfahrtgesellschaft Walter)DHC-8-4022014D-AMHC res 22.10.13 for MHS Aviation, ntu, res changed to D-ABQK 13.11.13, frd WAW-NUE 23.02.14 full Air Berlin cs, HB-reg canc 03.14, D-rgd 10.03.14, fis 18.03.14, AL ceased 27.10.17
D-ABQKEurowings (LGW - Luftfahrtgesellschaft Walter)DHC-8-4022017fis, also repo tfd 09.02.18, frd DUS-SCB 17.12.19, canc 23.12.19 during part-out
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
D-ABQK Eurowings (LGW - Luftfahrtgesellschaft Walter)EGBBdixieboy
D-ABQK Eurowings (LGW - Luftfahrtgesellschaft Walter)EGPFFlyDroo
D-ABQK Air Berlin (LGW - Luftfahrtgesellschaft Walter)OTT/OFFgrahamepage