Bombardier Dash 8 [4281]

Registration: 9N-ANS
Operator: Shree Airlines
HEX Code: 70A9B4
Engines: PW150A x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
C-FYMQBombardier Aerospace CorporationDHC-8-4022009
D-ADHTAugsburg AirwaysDHC-8-4022009own Aircraft Ass Mngmt, first repo for Cirrus, LH Commuter col, frd YYZ--MUC 30.11-02.12.09, r09.12.09, available for op. lease or sale 12.13, repo 03.13, last svc 26.10.13 with 'Last Day' and 'Bye Bye' and 'last day' stickers, frd MUC-MST 28.10.13, D-reg canc 06.01.14
C-GDLRNorth Cariboo Flying ServiceDHC-8-4022014C-rgd 06.01.14, frd MST--Trois Rivieres 16.01.14basic LH Reg cs, DR PPJ Aircraft Leasing Ltd r30.01.14, C-reg canc 14.02.14, rgd with North Cariboo 27.02.14
OE-LGOAustrian ArrowsDHC-8-4022014opf Swiss Int, in Star Alliance cs, frd Winnipeg--INN 21-23.07.14 still Lufthansa bcs, frd INN-OBF 06.10.14 for paint, frd INN-ZRH 31.10.14, fis for Swiss 01.11.14
9N-ANSShree AirlinesDHC-8-4022022
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OE-LGO Austrian ArrowsLOWWEGLL Spotter
OE-LGO Austrian ArrowsLSZHGreggy
OE-LGO Austrian ArrowsEGLLFlyDroo
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OE-LGO Austrian ArrowsLSZHGreggy
OE-LGO Austrian ArrowsLSZHGreggy