Ilyushin Il-62 [1951525 / 51-02]

Registration: UP-I6208
Operator: Aria Air
HEX Code:
Engines: Soloviev D-30KU x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Written Off
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
CCCP-86578KAPO - Kazan Aircraft ProductionIL-62M1989
DDR-SEYInterflugIL-62M1989manuf 9.06.89
D-AOAM InterflugIL-62M1990WFU 30.04.91
CCCP-86578Aeroflot - Russian AirlinesIL-62M1991s22.07.91 Schonefeld, predel/s AMS standard AFL col 9.92 conf cn (NOT to RA 4.93,must be 518)
86578Uzbekistan AirwaysIL-62M1992
UK-86578 Uzbekistan AirwaysIL-62M1993s with prereg/sis 10.97 normal col, sis 23.01.03 Jeddah, sis SVO 05.01.04
EX-602Air Central AsiaIL-62M2007canc 17.10.07
UN-86509 Deta AirIL-62M2007sis UTP white no titl, while RA-76509 is still wfu DME 22.11.07, s Almaty 26.11.08 with 86578 on engine covers, so this might identify it, maybe another frame as the crashed Aria has the Interflug style cheatline
UP-I6208Aria AirIL-62M2009crashed 24.07.09 Mashhad 16(153) cr on landing, nose destroyed / sMHD Iran 03.09 (ID still not 100% confirmed but livery and reports suggests ex IF machine) / s03.02.11 parked at (or poss. used as!) restaurant near airport, still with damaged nose and wings
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