Ilyushin Il-62 [3139732 / 39-03]

Registration: RA-86517
Operator: Aviaenergo
HEX Code:
Engines: Soloviev D-30KU x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
CCCP-86517KAPO - Kazan Aircraft ProductionIL-62MK1981
CCCP-86517Aeroflot - Russian AirlinesIL-62MK1981
RA-86517 Aeroflot - Russian AirlinesIL-62MK1992BRU, sis DXB 20.10.99, s pkd SVO 15.08.01, AFL col no tit s VKO 27.06.03 repo opf VIM AL , s18.08.03 no titl
RA-86517 VIM AirlinesIL-62MK2003op VKO-SNN-Santo Domingo 30.12.03 fc, sU-Tapao 25.01.04, s "still" wfu Moscow DME 15.06.06 red col "Anush", pkd on grass no engines
RA-86517 Interavia AirlinesIL-62MK2006UTP, but still/again sDME pkd on grass 21.07.07 red col, s25.08.07 now pkd on tarmac
RA-86517 Aviaenergo IL-62MK2007sDME, small titl 19.02.08 presum in svc, s26.06.09 brup, wings and rear cabin/tail cut off
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
CCCP-86517 KAPO - Kazan Aircraft ProductionEGLLWarthog1