Ilyushin Il-62 [4154535 / 54-03]

Registration: EW-505TR
Operator: Rada Airlines
HEX Code: 510146
Engines: Soloviev D-30KU x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
RA-86126 KAPO - Kazan Aircraft ProductionIL-62M1993
RA-86126 Orient AviaIL-62M1994sSVO,cn, bankrupt/str 97 DME
RA-86126 KAPO - Kazan Aircraft ProductionIL-62MGr2000depa DME to Kazan 28.06.00, DME 19.08.01 white, KAPO titl, VKO s27.06.03 white/KAPO titles-logo, cvtd to freighter with SCD, sNSK 29.10.07, sDME 13.08.11 white, AL had its AOC revoked late 02.2015
EX-62001Manas AirwaysIL-62MGr2016sKazan, white/gray no titles, sSAW 05.10.16 now white with titles, add billboard titles, no pax windows, sKZN 12.08.18, repo scrapped 2019 and reg canc between 28.05.19 and 17.01.20, but airtest 16.11.20 EX-rgd, repo first flight in 3 years
EW-505TRRada AirlinesIL-62MGr2020
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