Ilyushin Il-62 [4255152 / 55-05]

Registration: UP-I6204
Operator: Preserved
HEX Code:
Engines: Soloviev D-30KU x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Preserved
Status: Preserved
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
RA-86566 KAPO - Kazan Aircraft ProductionIL-62M1992
RA-86566 DalaviaIL-62M1993sKHV/reg JP94, last s27.11.97, not in fleet 12.10.99, fate
RA-86566 SAT - Sakhalin Air TransportIL-62M2000VKO, first service from Sakhalin, dam 09.02.04, fin dam at UUS by the wing of taxiing Il-96 of Domodedovo AL
RA-86566 Sayat AirIL-62M2007AYT, basic Sakhalin col, large Sayat titl
UP-I6204Sayat AirIL-62M2008VAR, KGF 26.09.08, Tianjin 24.10.08
UP-I6204Aria AirIL-62M2009sMHD, sis 10.07.09, grounded MHD after fatal crash 24.07.09, presum str THR
UP-I6204PreservedIL-62M2009dismantled 30.05.16 fuselage transported by road to east Tehran to become a restaurant
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
RA-86566 DalaviaEGLLWarthog1