EW-450TR/EW450TR Rada Airlines Ilyushin Il-62 Airframe Information - AVSpotters.com
© Jasper

Ilyushin Il-62 [4546257 / 46-05]

Registration: EW-450TR
Operator: Rada Airlines
HEX Code: 510099
Engines: Soloviev D-30KU x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
CCCP-86576KAPO - Kazan Aircraft ProductionIL-62M1985
DDR-SETInterflugIL-62M1985manuf 31.10.85
D-AOAK InterflugIL-62M1990wfs 30.04.91
CCCP-86576Uzbekistan AirwaysIL-62M1991
86576Uzbekistan AirwaysIL-62M1993
UK-86576 Uzbekistan AirwaysIL-62M1993sTahkent 4.92/s1.01.93 no pre-reg/s19.3 LHR prereg
RA-86576KAPO - Kazan Aircraft ProductionIL-62M2007no reports but in fleetlist 10.06, cvtd to freighter sNSK 13.03.07, sTLL 04.07.07 white, no windows, cargodoor, offered for ACMI lease as freighter via myairlease.com 10.11, AL had its AOC revoked late 02.2015
EW-450TRRada AirlinesIl-62MGr2015sODS white/titles, no pax windows, small logo on ODS-Turkmenbashi flight, sOST 07.11.16, pkd NBO s17.03.18, s02.04.18, ris, veered off runway 18.08.18 KRT, damaged, repaired and flown out by 09.18
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EW-450TR Rada AirlinesOTT/OFFcolinw
EW-450TR Rada AirlinesEHBKJasperPhoto Taken
EW-450TR Rada AirlinesOTT/OFFEGLL Spotter
EW-450TR Rada AirlinesOTT/OFFJLRAviation
UK-86576 Uzbekistan AirwaysEGLLWarthog1