Lockheed C-130 Hercules [382-3117]

Registration: 56-0509
Operator: Preserved
HEX Code:
Engines: Allison T56 x 4
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Type: Preserved
Status: Preserved
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
56-0509LockheedC-130A Hercules1956
56-0509USAF - United States Air ForceC-130A Hercules1957Accepted by the Air Force on 28 February 1957
56-0509USAF - United States Air ForceAC-130A Hercules1970Converted to AC-130A configuration on 27 July 1970. The aircraft participated in the Vietnam War and the rescue of the SS Mayaguez.
56-0509PreservedAC-130A Hercules1995Preserved at Hurlburt Field, Florida. After 36 years and seven months of service, 24 years as a gunship, Ultimate End retired from active service on 1 October 1994. It made its last flight from Duke Field to Hurlburt Field on 20 October 1994. The Spectre Association dedicated "Ultimate End" (which served with the 16 SOS in Vietnam) on 4 May 1995. Lt Col Michael Byers, then 16 SOS commander, represented the active-duty gunship force and Clyde Gowdy of the Spectre Association represented all Spect
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