Lockheed C-130 Hercules [382-3160]

Registration: 57-0453
Operator: Preserved
HEX Code:
Engines: Allison T56 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Preserved
Status: Preserved
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
57-0453LockheedC-130A Hercules1957
57-0453USAF - United States Air ForceC-130A Hercules1957
57-0453Withdrawn from useC-130A Hercules1991CF102
57-0453Instructional AirframeC-130A Hercules1997Transferred to Fort Meade, Maryland to be preserved.
57-0453PreservedC-130A Hercules1997Preserved as C-130A-II, 56-0528 at Fort Meade, Maryland. Replica of 56-0528 which was shot down by by a Russian MiG on September 2, 1958. Eventually the four bladed props were replaced with more accurate three bladed.
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
57-0453 USAF - United States Air ForceEGVAcolinw
57-0453 USAF - United States Air ForceEGVAAyronautica