Lockheed C-130 Hercules [382-3212]

Registration: N131EC
Operator: Withdrawn from use
HEX Code:
Engines: Allison T56 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Withdrawn
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
A97-212LockheedC-130A Hercules1958
A97-212RAAF - Royal Australian Air ForceC-130A Hercules1959
N2268APrivateC-130A Hercules1978Global Jet Sales/Paramax based in Fort Worth, Texas registered the aircraft but was not taken up.
SH-3016PrivateC-130A Hercules1983Parked at Laverton, Australia. Also spotted shortly after with another registration: HK-3016X.
N13FVPrivateC-130A Hercules1985Owned by Ford & Vlahos, San Francisco
N213DWPrivateC-130A Hercules1989Registered to Fowler Aeronautical Services and then near the end was registered to Peter P. Suarez of Los Angeles, California.
N130PSPrivateC-130A Hercules1995Re-registered to Peter P. Suarez of Los Angeles, California.
N131ECPrivateC-130A Hercules1996Used Cherry Air Aviation Services at Lecompte, Los Angeles for sky diving. The aircraft and spare parts are up for sale. Used in the 2007 movie American Gangster.
N131ECPrivateC-130A Hercules2004Being used for testing the fitting of two 500 gallon wing tip tanks to replace the type mounted on pylons under the wing. Purpose is to increase performance through reduction drag and stall speed. These new built in tanks are designed and manufactured by Snow Aviation International Inc. of Columbus, Ohio. The new tip tanks are smaller than the normal pylon tanks and produce less drag. The wing tip tanks are patented by Snow Aviation and available as a retrofit to C-130E and C-130H models. After
N131ECPrivateC-130A Hercules2006Charlie 130 Corporation
N131ECWithdrawn from useC-130A Hercules2018No longer economically recoverable. Likely to be broken up for parts.
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N130PS PrivateKCHDWarthog1