Lockheed C-130 Hercules [382-3507]

Registration: N707NA
Operator: NASA - National Aeronautics & Space Administration
HEX Code:
Engines: Allison T56 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Services
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
58-0712LockheedC-130B Hercules1960
58-0712USAF - United States Air ForceC-130B Hercules1960
58-0712Withdrawn from useC-130B Hercules1968CF001, first C-130 to MASDC and with less than 500 flight hours.
58-0712USAF - United States Air ForceNC-130B Hercules1968
N929NANASA - National Aeronautics & Space AdministrationNC-130B Hercules1968NASA, Ellington, Texas. Need to confirm registration during this time period. Equipped with four microwave radiometers, remote sensors, and other data acquiring devices for NASA Earth Survey 2.
N707NANASA - National Aeronautics & Space AdministrationNC-130B Hercules1969From 1989 to 1991 the aircraft went through two stages of engine upgrades from T56-A-7B to T56-A-15LFE starting with the inboard engines first.
N707NAInstructional AirframeNC-130B Hercules1970Aircraft was grounded in 1995 due to budget cuts with only 9,759 flight hours.
N707NANASA - National Aeronautics & Space AdministrationNC-130B Hercules2002Stored at the scrapyard of Drexel Metals, Arizona. Aircraft put up for sale.
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N707NA NASA - National Aeronautics & Space AdministrationKDMAgrahamepage
N707NA NASA - National Aeronautics & Space AdministrationKDMAcolinw