Lockheed C-130 Hercules [382-3946]

Registration: RP-C97
Operator: Withdrawn from use
HEX Code:
Engines: Allison T56 x 4
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Type: Withdrawn
Status: Scrapped
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N1130ELockheedL100 Hercules1964Prototype for the L100 series had first flight April 20, 1964. The L100 is the civilian versions of the C-130. Another amazing fact was that the first flight was 25 hours long.
N50FWPrivateL100 Hercules1965ASA
N1130EPrivateL100-20 Hercules1968Modified to L100-20 and was the prototype for this modification. First flight was April 19th, 1968.
N1130EDelta Air LinesL100-20 Hercules1968Leased by Delta
N1130EPrivateL100-20 Hercules1969Leased to PSL and operated by Flying W Airlines
PI-97Philippines Air ForceL100-20 Hercules1973
RP-97Philippines Air ForceL100-20 Hercules1974
RP-C97Philippines Air ForceL100-20 Hercules1978
RP-C97Withdrawn from useL100-20 Hercules2014Mactan IAP, Philippines. Only had 13,144.8 flight hours.
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