Lockheed C-130 Hercules [382-4101]

Registration: N24ST
Operator: TIA - Trans International Airlines
HEX Code:
Engines: Allison T56 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Written Off
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N9260RLockheedL100 Hercules1965
N9260RContinental Air ServicesL100 Hercules1965Leased by Lockheed to Continental Air Services.
9J-RCVPrivateL100 Hercules1966Purchased by the Government of Zambia and leased to Zambia Air Cargoes.
N920NANational AirlinesL100 Hercules1969Operated by National Aircraft Leasing and leased to Alaska Airlines.
N24STSaturn AirwaysL100 Hercules1972Leased to Saturn Airways
N24STTIA - Trans International AirlinesL100-30 Hercules1976Leased to TIA
N24STPrivateL100-30 Hercules1977Damaged due to a fire in the wing.
N24STPrivateL100-30 Hercules1978Damaged during a landing mishap at Witchita, Kansas. Was quickly repaired.
N24STTIA - Trans International AirlinesL100-30 Hercules1978Repaired and continued to be leased to TIA
N24STTIA - Trans International AirlinesL100-30 Hercules1979Purchased by TIA after leasing since December 1976.
N24STTIA - Trans International AirlinesL100-30 Hercules1979TIA became Transamerica Airlines, Destroyed on ground when it landing during UNITA (National Union for the Total Independence of Angola - Portuguese: Uniao Nacional para a Independencia Total de Angola) guerrilla attack at Cafunfo, Angola. Gunfire resulted in a fire which spread. 4 crew members were on board when it was attacked after landing Captain Gerhardt Opel, F/O William Read, F/E Allan Bungard and Loadmaster Paul Higgins F/O Read was killed and the other 3 were held captive for 3 months u
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