G-LOFA/GLOFA Withdrawn from use Lockheed L-188 Electra Airframe Information - AVSpotters.com
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Lockheed L-188 Electra [2002]

Registration: G-LOFA
Operator: Withdrawn from use
HEX Code:
Engines: Allison 501-D13 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Withdrawn
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
VH-ECALockheed Aircraft CorporationL-188C Electra1959
VH-ECAQantasL-188C Electra1959rgd, named "Pacific Electra"
N359ACAir CaliforniaL-188C Electra1967
N359ACLessorL-188C Electra1969
HC-AVXEcuatorianaL-188C Electra1971lsd
N359ACLessorL-188C Electra1972ret, WFU at MIA 03.72
N359ACLessorL-188CF Electra1976cvtd to F
TI-LRMLACSAL-188CF Electra1976named "Camaquire"
N359ACCorporateL-188CF Electra1981rgd, WFU at MIA 08.81
N359ACTPI International AirwaysL-188CF Electra1984lsd
N359ACLessorL-188CF Electra1985
N359ACTPI International AirwaysL-188CF Electra1985lsd
N359Q TPI International AirwaysL-188CF Electra1985
F-OGSTSTAF - Servicios de Transportes Aereos FueginosL-188CF Electra1987rgd to Societé de Services et Transports
F-OGSTAir Bridge CarriersL-188CF Electra1990lsd
F-OGSTSTAF - Servicios de Transportes Aereos FueginosL-188CF Electra1992ret, WFU at OPF
N359Q LessorL-188CF Electra1992rgd 14.10.92
N359Q ALM Antillean AirlinesL-188CF Electra1993lsd
N359Q LessorL-188CF Electra1993ret, sOPF 22.03.93 WFU white still with ALM-tls, reg canx 10.02.94
G-LOFAAir AtlantiqueL-188CF Electra1993rgd 10.02.94
G-LOFAAtlantic CargoL-188CF Electra1995owner renamed
G-LOFAAtlantic AirlinesL-188CF Electra1998owner renamed, WFU at CVT 15.05.98
G-LOFAWithdrawn from useL-188CF Electra1998sCVT 25.06.98 stripped of parts & engines, sCVT 25.07.98 partly b/u, donated to airport firefighters for training, sCVT 11.02 broken into 3 large pieces
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
G-LOFA Withdrawn from useEGBEAyronautica
G-LOFA Atlantic CargoEGBEAyronautica
G-LOFA Air AtlantiqueEGGWAyronautica
G-LOFA Air AtlantiqueEGPFScottyBoy76
F-OGST Air Bridge CarriersEGMCAyronauticaPhoto Taken