McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [48007 / 971]

Registration: N813ME
Operator: Midwest Express Airlines
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
HB-INH Swissair MD-811981ff 25.04.81,wfu 19.03.95
OY-KIH SAS Scandinavian AirlinesMD-811995own CL/PK,TT 32782,30292 at 4.95,is 2.05.95, wfu 17.09.00 ARN, Oslo 17.09.00 str ret is 25.09.00, wfu 9.10.00, testflown white 22.02.01 Oslo, tt 42382, 43686 l, canc 26.03.01
N813MEMidwest Express AirlinesMD-812001frd Oslo--Milwaukee 23-24.03.01, FSB 26.03.01 N-rgd, WFBN to Wintrthur Corp 19.06.01, Midwest Expr 19.06.01 bt, str early 2009, s str Blytheville 12.08.09, s15.03.10 basic MW col, MW to Worldwide Avtn Svcs LLC 24.05.10, canc 13.08.13 scrapped Blytheville, s22.01.14 wings and rear fuselage with tail, forward fuselage used as a residence at Sport Flyers Airport, Brookshire, TX s05.03.15
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
HB-INH Swissair LSZHAyronautica
HB-INH Swissair EGLLcolinw
HB-INH Swissair EGLLWarthog1