McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [48009 / 985]

Registration: HK-4238X
Operator: Aerorepublica
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
HB-INK Swissair MD-811981ff 5.06.81,wfu 12.05.95,Vienna,OpC 12.06.95
SE-DMZ SAS Scandinavian AirlinesMD-811995r15.06.95,rGFS 16.08.95, wfu 26.05.00 Oslo, tt 41664, 43409 l, testfl 28.07.00 Oslo, ret less 9.08.00, frd to Dallas 11.08.00, SE-reg canc 5.09.00
N489NCFINOVA Capital CorpMD-812000not N834F, see 48004, to AC 48008/48009 LLC r8.09.00, frd Phoenix-Marana 7.11.00, s9.12.00 white, sMIA 10.01.01 worked on, s2.09.01 white no tit, painted as N489
HK-4238XAerorepublicaMD-812001wfu s30.01.07 BOG complete, s15.11.07 inside hangar, s04.03.08 str, presum scr since
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
HB-INK Swissair EGCCScottyBoy76
HB-INK Swissair LSZHAyronautica
HB-INK Swissair LSZHAyronautica
HB-INK Swissair LSZHAyronautica
HB-INK Swissair LGAVWarthog1