McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [49190 / 1180]

Registration: PK-WIP
Operator: Wings Air
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
XA-AMQ AeromexicoMD-821985GPA 13.06.89,GECC 5.93, s2.09.02 on maintenance ramp MEX white no tit, sis 03.12.02 fc, frd MEX--Goodyear 19.09.03 white, repo as the AC sGoodyear AZ 18.10.03 white as PK-LMV (reports as XA-AMQ still sGYR 30.01.05 AM col no tail col probably ex XA-AMC!), s05.05
PK-LMVLion AirMD-822004 sis 29.02.04 fc, first repo to be cn 48022 but that one still at Tucson 10.04, sCGK 29.12.04 in svc, id repo 03.05 PK-LMV sis 02 and 12.04 fc
PK-WIPWings AirMD-822008sCGK 25.12.08 white no engines, s24.08.09 str no titles
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
XA-AMQ AeromexicoMMMXWarthog1