McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [49222 / 1139]

Registration: N570SH
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
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Type: Other
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N802NY Continental Airlines MD-821984
N16802 Continental AirlinesMD-821991WTC to GATX 3.09.97,PAC 3.09.97,PegA 17.06.98, frd IAH-Mojave 1.10.00 for str, sTucson 22.10.00 basic COA col, depa 14.01.01
N130NJVanguard AirlinesMD-822001frd San Jose CR-Kansas City 22.03.01, is 1.04.01, s6.04.01 black new colours old reg, own PegA, rr 27.04.01, s 28.04.01 LGA rrgd, AL ceased 30.07.02, str Kansas City, s8.08.02, frd to Tucson 3.10.02, s24.01.03 Vanguard col,s24.04.04 black Vang col
N130NJTransmeridian AirlinesMD-822005frd to TUS-MEX 06.10.04, s03.01.05 MEX overhauled, sis with additional Vacation Express titles before 04.07.05 (upload of picture), AL ceased 30.09.05, frd Atlanta-ROW 02.10.05 fc, frd ROW--ARN 26-27.04.06
UR-CFEUM AirMD-822006frd ROW--ARN 26-27.04.06 for maint, N-reg canc 01.05.06, sNUE 01.07.06 basic Transmeridian col, UM titl/logos
N570SHLessorMD-822009frd ARN--TUS 20.05.09 for storage, s19.03.10 UM col, frd TUS-SJO 01.03.11, for sale via by 07.11.16, no engines, tt 63736, 29373 l, s wfu 12.02.17, canc 02.02.18 pwfu, forward fuselage sQuepos Town, Costa Rica 20.05.18 still with UM titles
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N570SH LessorKTUScolinw
N16802 Continental AirlinesKMIAGreggy