McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [49264 / 1171]

Registration: N14810
Operator: Continental Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N810NY New York Air MD-821984
N810NY Continental Airlines MD-821985
N14810 Continental AirlinesMD-821990sMojave 1.93 wfu,rFSBU 8.95 op by COA so retd is, JP& JAPL98, s01.02.03 MCO basic col no titl, frd MCO-IAH-Tucson 04.03.03, WFBN to FCC 30.09.03, FCC N-rgd 10.11.03, sTucson 26.12.03 basic CO col, repo to PK-LMT Lion Air ar 01.04 but presum ntu (see below), Club Excellence , Corp 19.03.04, but still str Tucson 24.04.04 basic CO, sMarana 08.10.04, r07.06.05 (Club Excell.), Aviation Ventures 14.07.05, repo bt by Vision AL (Nevada) by 03.09.06, Jetran LLC 05.09.07, s20.10.07 MZJ basic CO, to Global
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N14810 Continental AirlinesKMZJgrahamepage
N14810 Continental AirlinesKMZJcolinw
N14810 Continental AirlinesKIAHWarthog1