McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [49379 / 1205]

Registration: N923TW
Operator: American Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
YU-ANG Adria AirwaysMD-821985
YU-ANG Air LiberteMD-821988ret 20.06.88
YU-ANG ZAS Airlines of EgyptMD-821989ret 1.05.89
YU-ANG ZAS Airlines of EgyptMD-821989
YU-ANG Adria AirwaysMD-821990
SL-ABC Adria AirwaysMD-821991
SL-ABC Jet Alsace MD-821992
S5-ABC Adria AirwaysMD-821993sis 13.03.93 still as SL-ABC, s5.06.93 rrgd still Jet Alsace tit
S5-ABC British World AirlinesMD-821993
S5-ABC Avioimpex MD-821993s22.12.93 Avioimp. tit,opf Adria/s15.01.94 Avioimp tail,ret 4.94/sold to SC Avtn Holdings 4.05.94,lsd back canc 4.05.94
D-ALLS Aero Lloyd MD-821994r5.05.94,is8.5 ret 28.10.96 Lemwerder
N923TW TWA - Trans World AirlinesMD-821997rMDD 12.96,depa FRA 14.12 white/sMarana 1.97 TT 25305,15546 L/is 19.06.97/MDD to ACG 30.06.98
N923TW American AirlinesMD-822001wfu 05.04.03, frd MCI-ROW 16.04.03 tt 41575, 24374 l, s02.10.05 basic col, ACG Acq XX LLC to AA 20.10.09, Stewart Industries Int LLC 03.11.11, s wfu 07.10.11, canc 05.01.12
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N923TW American AirlinesKROWgrahamepage
N923TW TWA - Trans World AirlinesKORDWarthog1
D-ALLS Aero Lloyd EDDFAyronautica
D-ALLS Aero Lloyd EDDFWarthog1
S5-ABC British World AirlinesEGKKScottyBoy76
S5-ABC British World AirlinesEGCCAyronautica
YU-ANG Adria AirwaysEKCHWarthog1
YU-ANG ZAS Airlines of EgyptLSZHAyronautica
YU-ANG Air LiberteEGPKAyronautica