McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [49395 / 1286]

Registration: UR-CHL
Operator: Dart Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
YV-36C AeropostalMD-831986bt fr GPA,wfs 23.11.94 Caracas wfu (ceas),to Roswell NM 7.12.94 CaIB ret, TT 19199,22959 L,PAHC,Tucson 15.02.96
N9305N TWA - Trans World AirlinesMD-831996rPAHC 3.96/is 23.5/to PACLS 8.05.97, TWA 9.04.01
N9305N American AirlinesMD-832001TWA AL LLC to AA 17.07.04, wfu 22.08.05, frd DFW-ROW 23.08.05tt 43982, 35603 l, s26.10.05, to Compass Capital 27.04.07
XU-U4EPMT AirMD-832007N-reg canc 21.05.07, sPHP 23.07.07 blue/white cloud col rrgd, sICN 25.02.08, sSiem Reap 16.02.09 white blue cloud cs no titles no reg, arr CGK 21.05.09 in basic PMT-col no titles
UR-CHLKhors AirMD-832010sCGK 10.07.09 basic PMT col, sis 09.10 Khors titles/logos and ex PMT cloud livery, also repo s07.10 already full Khors cs
UR-CHLAviaTrans KMD-832011sIEV, small titles/logo, sLviv 06.10.12, ceased ops mid 11.13
UR-CHLDart AirlinesMD-832013restarted by Christmas, sIEV 29.12.16 ith wings cut off, s26.03.17 only forward fuselage remains
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N9305N American AirlinesKSANWarthog1
N9305N TWA - Trans World AirlinesKORDWarthog1