OY-JRU/OYJRU Danish Air Transport McDonnell Douglas MD-80 Airframe Information - AVSpotters.com
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McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [49403 / 1404]

Registration: OY-JRU
Operator: Danish Air Transport
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N19B McDonnell Douglas MD-871987
OH-LMA FinnairMD-871987ret lessor 4.00
EC-HMISpanairMD-872000sHelsinki fc 2.05.00, s14.08.00 nc MAD
SE-RBAFlyMeMD-872005frd Palma-ARN 04.12.04 white, ret lessor, prepared for Nordic Leisure early 2005, SE-rgd Freyerning, opb Nordic NR Regional, dba Nordic Leisure, in svc 24.01.05, wetlsd to FlyMe in their col (for weekday ops Ostersund-Sundsvall-GOT), r/o 07.02.05, weekends opf Nordic Leisure
SE-RBANordic LeisureMD-872005arr STR 23.06.05 full Nordic Leisure col, wlsd to Germanwings, frd to Palma 16.07.05 ret Nordic Reg
SE-RBAGermanwingsMD-872007replacing 48003, full Nordic Reg col
SE-RBANordic AirwaysMD-872007frd to CGN 29.08.07 full Nordic col, slsd to Germanwings, ret to Nordic 27.10.07
SE-RBANorwegian Air ShuttleMD-872008
SE-RBADanish Air TransportMD-872008ferried EMA-BLL 10.09.08 in fcs
SE-RBAAurora AirlinesMD-872008
OY-JRUDanish Air TransportMD-872009sCPH 05.06.09, slsd to Cronus AL 12.12, ret to DAT, frd Malabo--CPH 18-19.02.13, frd to Cronus AL frd CPH--Malabo 01.05.13, frd Malabo--CPH 03.06.13, repo 12.13 to be wfs soon, frd ARN-Billund 02.05.14, frd CPH-BOH 04.10.14, repaint white with red nose, frd BOH-BLL 16.10.14, wfs BLL 29.11.15, s str BLL 14.07.16 nosecone missing, frd to Tabriz 26.07.17 and wfu
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
OY-JRU Danish Air TransportEGHHWarthog1
OY-JRU Danish Air TransportEGGWAyronauticaPhoto Taken
SE-RBA Nordic LeisureEGSSgrahamepage
OH-LMA FinnairEDDFAyronautica
OH-LMA FinnairEGLLAyronautica
OH-LMA FinnairEKCHWarthog1