McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [49415 / 1260]

Registration: N982CA
Operator: Capital Airways
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
B-2106 CAAC - Civil Aviation Administration CompanyMD-821987KIT 1 DEL SAIC 5.11.86, ff 2.07.87
B-2106 China Northern AirlinesMD-821988CAaE 2.06.99
N602CACal Del IncMD-821999sBordeaux 5.09.99 SOGERMA, white
N815NKSpirit AirlinesMD-821999Cal Del to FCC 1.04.02, still opb Spirit, rr 16.07.02 sFLL 13.08.02 old col, FCC to Spirit AL 01.02.06, WFBN r02.03.06 opb Spirit, s str Ft Lauderdale FLL 13.11.06 fc complete, WFBN to Spirit 18.06.07, WFBN 18.06.07, trustee for Air Transport Acquisition Corp, s07.12.07 MIA, canc 17.12.07 to LV-
LV-BNIAndes Lineas AereasMD-822007frd MIA-GYE-SLA 16-17.12.07, sPuerto Madryn nc 07.01.08
N982CALessorMD-822009sMIA 17.10.09 white
N982CACapital AirwaysMD-822009testflight 14.11.09, sSFB white ar 08.10, sOPF 19.02.11 white, NI on nosewheel door, sSFB 11.08.12 white, still str s03.02.15, s19.05.15 wfu no engines, s05.16
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N982CA Capital AirwaysKSFBcolinw
N602CA Cal Del IncKFLLGreggy