McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [49419 / 1403]

Registration: N419MT
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
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Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
HL7283 Korean AirMD-821987
HL7546Korean AirMD-821998own GECC
N419GELessorMD-822001MD82AOFL to WFBN, retd from Korean lse, sNimes 18.11.01 str, canc 11.06.02
PK-LMHLion AirMD-822002own GECAS, Muscat-Male 14.06.02, sCGK 15.06.02 white, s19.06.02 burgundy billboard titles and tail logo, sis KUL s18.05.03, s str CGK 26.10.06 fc,
N419MTLessorMD-822007sCGK 24.01.07 (reg painted on?), s str Marana 17.02.07 basic Lion col no titl, to AAR Parts Trading 05.12.08, to MidAmerican Aerospace 06.01.09, A & W Aeronautic Service bt 06.03.09, filed 30.09.11, r24.10.11 pwfu, sMarana 24.09.09 white, s wfu ROW 25.10.13, s02.04.16 white, Lion rudder, no engines and tail cone, canc 04.01.18 pwfu
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All Users Sightings

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N419MT LessorKMZJcolinw