McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [49437 / 1345]

Registration: N426NV
Operator: Allegiant Air
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
LN-RLR SAS Scandinavian AirlinesMD-821987ff 22.02.87,wfu 5.07.92 TT11570,13446 L
VH-LNL Compass Airlines MD-821992r19.8
LN-RLR SAS Scandinavian AirlinesMD-821993ferry 23.3-/is 17.04.93/SAS Olympic col,is15.11.93, CALL r22.12.99, wfu 18.05.03, frd to Riga 22.05.03 for str, tt 34510, 38052 l, frd to Oslo 14.08.03, in svc 22.08.03, wfs as such 17.12.09 tt 51767, 47506 l
SE-DMISAS Scandinavian AirlinesMD-822009Commercial Aircraft Leasing r15.12.09, in svc 17.12.09, SAS Sverige r18.12.09, canc 24.06.10
N426NVAllegiant AirMD-832010frd OSL--IGM 22-23.06.10, tt 49031, 48811 l, Sunrise Asset Management r25.06.10, s str IGM 25.01.11 full SAS col no engines, frd IGM-OKC 11.11.11, mod to -83 and rgd Sunrise 06.03.12, sis LAS 29.04.12 ncs, wfs 26.11.18, str Birmingham AL 29.11.18, s08.05.19 painted as N426ZX
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N426NV Allegiant AirKLASGreggy
N426NV Allegiant AirKLASGreggy
SE-DMI SAS Scandinavian AirlinesEGLLgrahamepage
LN-RLR SAS Scandinavian AirlinesEGLLGreggy
LN-RLR SAS Scandinavian AirlinesLEPAgrahamepage
LN-RLR SAS Scandinavian AirlinesEKCHWarthog1
LN-RLR SAS Scandinavian AirlinesENFBWarthog1