McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [49442 / 1358]

Registration: N494AP
Operator: Wells Fargo Bank NW
HEX Code:
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Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
EC-ECO CTA - Canafrica Transportes AereosMD-831987GPA
EC-ECO Air Sur MD-831988
EI-CBO LessorMD-831990str Luton s19.10.90 to DUB 22.10. Still EC-reg 2.91 sLemwerder
TC-TRU TUR European AirwaysMD-831991ret Irish 20.12.93
SE-DRU TranswedeMD-831994MiC r15.03.94,wfu 12.03.95,ret GPA 20.03.95
HB-IUL BalairCTAMD-831995
HB-IUL SwissairMD-831995sZurich white 27.01.96
EI-CBO Nouvelair TunisieMD-831996s12.04.96 white,tit/rAiIAL 12.06.96
Z3-AACAvioimpexMD-831999own AiIAL, rr s 29.12.99, sStuttgart 12.03.00 fc, sShannon 29.11.01 on ferry to USA
N494APWells Fargo Bank NWMD-832001s str Goodyear AZ 17.01.02, s4.07.02 no engines, s10.02.03 full Avioimpex col (engines?), WFBN to Newjet Corp 15.02.05, s13.08.05 fc no engines, Celtic Capital 49442 Corp 10.10.05, Universal Asset Management 31.05.06, sGYR 21.01.07 still Avioimp. col, Aerostat Components 11.05.07, r17.01.08, canc 17.12.14 brup GYR
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
Z3-AAC AvioimpexEDDLGreggy
EI-CBO Nouvelair TunisieEGCCAV8 Photos
HB-IUL SwissairLSZHWarthog1