McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [49634 / 1419]

Registration: EP-ZAA
Operator: Zagros Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N34838 Continental Airlines MD-821987FSB 21.04.98, arr Mojave 1.10.01 str, depa to ret i.s. 26.04.02, wfu 30.12.03, frd IAH-GYR 31.12.03, CO ret to WFBN, frd to YWG 08.03.05... KEF 10.03.05, arr LTBA 12.03.05 also repo arr Istanbul 10.03.05 for maint, canc 16.03.05 to Khors
UR-CEWAero AsiaMD-822005own APFC 14.03.05, sDXB 06.07.05 Aero Asia, s05.01.06, sCGK 22.11.06
UR-CEWKhors AirMD-822007frd Ant-IST 04.05.07, sKharkov 10.07.07 full Windrose col, sPIK 06.08.07, sMashad 15.02.087 basic CO col no titl, sTHR 30.03.08 opb Khors Air
EP-ZAAZagros AirlinesMD-822012
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N34838 Continental Airlines KIAHWarthog1