McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [49668 / 1467]

Registration: YV485T
Operator: Santa Barbara Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
EI-BWC LessorMD-821988N14845 Cont ntu
EC-163 Oasis International AirlinesMD-831988Conv bef del
EC-EIK Oasis International AirlinesMD-831988
EI-CGA LessorMD-831992to Manchester,s hangar 23.07.92 for Jet alsace? F-GMMP NTU?!/to Mobile Alabama 3.12.92
EI-CGA Key AirlinesMD-831992sMIA/ret 4.03.93
EI-CGA CorporateMD-831993ret 14.03.95 GPA,arr Shann 7.03.95 /XA-SEL TAESA not conf/NTU 8.94,canc 6.05.95
EC-898 Centennial AirlinesMD-831995sis 19.05.95,still reg s29.07.95
EC-GBV Centennial AirlinesMD-831995s1.11.95 'Air Europa' addit tit added/ret GPA,Shannon 14.11.96,s31.12.96
N63050 GECC MD-831997to Gander 6.03.97/canc 8.04.97
F-GJHQ Air LiberteMD-831997lsd 6.3,reg res 12.03.97,nc s8.11.98 Orly,PegA r29.12.98,s20.02.99 white tail, sTLS 17.10.99 white, Compaq, Non Stop tit, small Air Libert
F-GJHQ AirLibMD-832001sis Orly 25.11.01 still Air Libert
N978PGLessorMD-832003sTucson 26.12.03, s08.03.04 Air Libert
SX-BEVEuroAirMD-832007frd SJO--ATH 23-25.07.07, N-reg canc 04.09.07, stored MMX since 10.08, frd MMX-ATH 13.04.09, to be N668SH with Pegasus Aviation
N668SHLessorMD-832009frd ATH--TUS 18.04.09 for storage
YV485TSanta Barbara AirlinesMD-832011frd TUS-SJO 09.10.09 N-rgd, s11.11.09 fc, del SJO-CCS 03.12.09, but also repo SJO-MIA 11.12.09, sMIA 09.01.10 fc, still str MIA 08.04.10 fc, del fc MIA-CCS 25.02.11, N-reg canc 14.03.11, YV-reg sCCS 14.06.11, sCCS 01.11.13 str
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
F-GJHQ Air LiberteEGLLWarthog1
EC-898 Centennial AirlinesEGPFScottyBoy76
EC-EIK Oasis International AirlinesLEMDWarthog1