McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [49822 / 1539]

Registration: YV130T
Operator: Aeropostal Alas de Venezuela
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-GHEB Air LiberteMD-831988s Air Libert
N191LFLessorMD-832001arr Mojave 20.04.01, N-rrgd 28.05.01, to be repainted white after C-check, sMojave 7.01, id 28.10.01 white, canc 26.04.02
UR-CANKhors AirMD-832002being reactivated, UR-reg applied s8.04.02 Mojave, returned technical with waterleak 13.04.02, returned again 16.04.02 technical, finally departed Mojave 20.04.02 with sticker over UR-reg as N191LF for ferry only, arr Stockholm 21.04.02 white, s KBP 1.05.02 white, i.svc
UR-CANDaallo AirlinesMD-832003sDXB early 01.03 white, tail logo, sJED 27.01.03 id
N822ANMSA IMD-832003arr Mexico City 29.04.03, s30.11.03, canc 23.12.03
YV-01CAeropostal Alas de VenezuelaMD-832003sCCS 03.03.04 fc
YV130TAeropostal Alas de VenezuelaMD-832005sAUA, s17.02.06 Lima, sCCS 14.02.09 in fcs minus engines and tailparts, sCCS 06.02.11, only 30T showing, s23.10.11 pkd in hangar area no engines, s11.13 str, repo being broken up 11.2014, s wfu 15.02.17
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
F-GHEB Air LiberteEGLLAyronautica
F-GHEB Air LiberteEGLLWarthog1
F-GHEB Air LiberteEGPHAyronautica