McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [49847 / 1585]

Registration: PJ-MDI
Operator: Insel Air
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N62020 McDonnell Douglas MD-831989
D-AGWC German Wings MD-831989STR 6.90 Lemwerder
D-AGWC Aero Lloyd MD-831990own NiF 5.92,MyF r10.97
HB-IUMCrossairMD-831997own MyF,sZur 21.12.97 fc, MFN r22.04.99 lsdt Crx
HB-IUMSwiss International Air LinesMD-832002sPerpignan 26.08.03 white, sNimes 17.10.03
N834NKSpirit AirlinesMD-832003bt ex Mycal Finance Netherlands, frd Nimes-Kefl 31.12.03, Spirit to FCC 10.01.05, lsd back, canc 14.06.06
EC-JUGSwiftairMD-832006sLanzarote 08.07.06 white, lsd to Spanair 16.02-01.04.07 white, s27.06.07 TFN (still lsd to Spanair?), sMAD 12.04.08 white, no longer UN titl, frd MAD--KRT 21.09.08 in UN cs, frd KRT--MAD 29-30.04.09 after UN-duty, still UN-titles, frd MAD--KRT 15.05.09 for UN again, ret Swiftair, sMAD 03.07.09 white, wetlsd to Wimbi Dira Airways (9Q) 04.07.10, ret Madrid 11.09.10 with Wimbi Dira titl, sMAD 20.09.10 white, frd MAD-BEN 13.12.10 lst/opf Gryphon Air sDXB 14.12.10, frd to MAD 10.05.11 ret Swiftair,
P4-MDIInsel Air ArubaMD-832015sMAD 07.09.15 white, frd MAD-LPA 09.09.15, LPA--CUR 16-17.09.15, wfs CUR 27.01.17
PJ-MDIInsel AirMD-832017reentered svc 12.10.17 as only/first jet of Insel Air, AL ceased 16.02.19
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
P4-MDI Insel Air ArubaKMIAGreggy
EC-JUG SwiftairLEMDGreggy
EC-JUG SwiftairOTT/OFFgrahamepage
EC-JUG SwiftairLEMDJLRAviation
HB-IUM CrossairEGLLWarthog1
D-AGWC Aero Lloyd EDDFAyronautica