McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [53041 / 1945]

Registration: 3DC-SWZ
Operator: Corporate
HEX Code:
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Type: Business
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
JA8372 Japan Air System MD-871991r/o 10.01.03 new JAL col also repo r/o 15.02.03 nc
JA8372 Japan Airlines DomesticMD-872004s04.09.04 HND nc, canc 27.11.07, sold to grand Max Group 24.11.07
N868THRichard TrudellMD-872007r28.11.07, sHND 06.11.07 white no titl, frd to HKG 01.12.07, sDMK 06.12.07, s12.01.08 no engines, s02.02.08 with engines, R Trudell to Grandmax Group 19.02.08, Aircraft & Engines Support LLC 19.02.08, frd CTS-ANC-GYR 01.04.08, SG Air Leasing 08.04.08, Aircraft Guaranty Title LLC 08.04.08
N871SGAircraft Guaranty CorpMD-872008r06.06.08, rr 13.08.08, still sGYR 16.09.09, flew GYR-ROW-GYR 27.10.09, frd GYR-Tucson 01.03.10, frd GYR-London YXU 06.03.10, s Centralia 23.07.10, AGC to Inchatsavane Company 30.12.10, WFBN 30.12.10 r27.01.11, sCentralia 11.05.11 no regi
3DC-SWZCorporateMD-872012del frd YXU--MTS 19-25.04.12 N-reg (due to fly Gander-Casablanca but diverted to Miami, then via Recife 22.04.12), canc 27.04.12, donated to the King of Swaziland, arr CPT 11.05.12, reg correct, operator also repo Umbufto Swaziland Defence Force Air Wing, sBRU 02.04.14 Kingdom of Swaziland, no titles, seized mid 05.16 Ontario, Canada while undergoing maintenance, for the 2nd time by business partner Rethenam who sold the aircraft to the king in 2010
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All Users Sightings

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N871SG Aircraft Guaranty CorpKGYRcolinw