McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [53121 / 1971]

Registration: N9409F
Operator: American Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N9012J LessorMD-821992str sLongB 2.92, 'gold',conv from 82 17.07.92
VH-LNI Compass Airlines MD-831992frd 19.08.92 to../Southern CRoss r6.08.92 wfu ceas 11.03.93.frd Ath-Shannon 2.04.93,sShannon 12.08.93 TAESA tit,no reg,Comp col/TAESA lsd ntu
N532MD McDonnell Douglas MD-831993frd Shann-Goose Bay 9.01.94,Long Beach 12.01.94 repaint TAESA,to Kansas 31.3/MDF r3.94,TT 1767,1563 L
N9409FTWA - Trans World AirlinesMD-831994is 10.05.94,NFC r10.94, BoACFC to MDFC ELC 6.04.01, still opb TWA
N9409FAmerican AirlinesMD-832001wfs 14.09.16, frd to ROW 15.09.16, AAL r31.10.16, Aerothrust Holdings r12.07.18
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N9409F American AirlinesKROWgrahamepage
N9409F American AirlinesKLASWarthog1
N9409F American AirlinesKORDcolinw
N9409F TWA - Trans World AirlinesKPHXWarthog1