McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [53150 / 1831]

Registration: EP-LCO
Operator: Kish Air
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
HB-IUH Swissair MD-811991
HB-IUH CrossairMD-821996conv *82 by 3.96, sZur 21.04.96 McDonalds col ,GeF 26.02.99, s nc 11.04.00 Crossair (xMcDonalds)
HB-IUH Swiss International Air LinesMD-822002Swiss Int AL r12.06.02, s str ZRH 02.05.03 Crossair nc, s28.06.03 white, s24.01.04, s24.06.04
TC-FLOFly AirMD-822005sAMS white no titl, sBUD 26.09.05 "after an emergency landing" (photo-caption)
LZ-LDHBulgarian Air CharterMD-822007sSofia, still Fly Air titl
UR-BXOBukovyna Aviation EnterpriseMD-822009frd KBP-THR 21.06.09 on lease to presum Kish Air; sTHR 07.01.10 with Kish Island picture decal on forw. fuselage, first thought to be cn 53149, frd TBZ-ARN 30.10.10, s01.12.10 no engines, white, frd ARN-Tabriz 19.07.11
EP-LCOKish AirMD-822012sis DXB-Kish, sTHR 20.01.13 white fus, Kish Air tail, s27.03.14 special 'Kish Island the paradise of the family' decal, sis 05.16
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
HB-IUH Swiss International Air LinesEGLLGreggy
HB-IUH CrossairEDDLGreggy
HB-IUH CrossairEGLLGreggy
HB-IUH Swissair LSZHWarthog1