McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [53184 / 2088]

Registration: EP-MDF
Operator: Iran Air Tours
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N878RA Reno AirMD-831994
N878RA American AirlinesMD-831999wfu 10.01.01, Oklahoma City 11.01.01 tt 19225, 14624 l, to be ret less, testfl Okl 1.04.01, ret AnstWW tt 19227, 14627 l
TC-FBGFreebird AirlinesMD-832001sOkl C 9.03.01 fc, believed seen CDG 14.04.01 rrgd, sPerpignan 17.03.05, s28.03.05 white
TC-AKLWorld Focus AirwaysMD-832005sAMS 07.05.05 fc
TC-AKLTHY Turkish AirlinesMD-832005fc, winter lease
TC-AKLWorld Focus AirwaysMD-832006sMST fc, opf Corendon AL
TC-AKLQeshm AirMD-832006s04.12.06 DAM-THR 04.12.06 opf Qeshm Air, picture in full Qeshm cs exist, repo for Iran Air Tours but 'deemed unservicable', never flew for them
TC-AKLAtlasJetMD-832007retd IST ex Qeshm
TC-AKLAtlasJetMD-832008sIST fc
UR-BHJBukovyna Aviation EnterpriseMD-832008frd GSM-KBP 09.09.08, sAYT 30.09.08 all white n/t,
UR-BHJQeshm AirMD-832009sDXB 20.03.09 with small Arabic titles and Qeshm-taillogo
UR-BHJCaspian AirlinesMD-832009IKA-SAW/KBP ops, 17-28.09.09 (not after?), Caspian sis 03.03.10 THR, s14.10.10 white, small logo on tail, s19.09.11 optnl white, sARN 24.03.12 no engines, s27.04.12 testflight after overhaul, to return to operator
UR-BHJIran Air ToursMD-832013
EP-MDFIran Air ToursMD-832015
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TC-FBG Freebird AirlinesEDDFAyronautica