McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [53207 / 1862]

Registration: EC-KSF
Operator: IMD Airways
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
EC-633 Iberia MD-871991
EC-FEZ IberiaMD-871991frd to Sal Island 13.05.08
EC-KSFAerofanMD-872008basic Iberia cs, white tail, sAMS 22.01.09, sMAD 06.05.09 white with UN-taillogo and titles, frd MAD--KRT 22.05.09, ret Aerofan, frd KRT--MAD 25-29.06.09, sMAD 01.07.09 white, sKRT 18.02.10 white UN titles, frd TIP-MAD 01.03.10 after UN ops
EC-KSFIMD AirwaysMD-872010Aerofan nn? sRiga 29.07.10 all white, opf Air Baltic, available via myairlease for immediate ACMI lease repo 04.11, operations halted 01.07.12, AC already missing parts and not airworthy by then, frd MAD-PGF 26.08.12 after storage, sPerpignan 01.11.13, s05.14 white, s12.04.16
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All Users Sightings

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EC-KSF AerofanEGKKRJflyerPhoto Taken
EC-FEZ IberiaEGCCAV8 Photos
EC-FEZ IberiaEGCCAV8 Photos
EC-FEZ IberiaEGCCAV8 Photos
EC-FEZ IberiaEGCCAV8 Photos
EC-FEZ IberiaEGCCAV8 Photos
EC-FEZ IberiaEGLLAyronautica
EC-FEZ IberiaLPPTWarthog1