McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [53232 / 2108]

Registration: EP-MBG
Operator: Iran Air Tours
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
I-DATP Alitalia MD-821995frd Mont-Kef-Rome 3.4/Team AZ s7.06.97, frd DUB-KEF 29.05.05 ret to BCC after lse
HK-4399XAerorepublicaMD-822005arr BOG, HK-4399 by 2009, ret ressor, sVCV 01.10.09
N598BCBoeingMD-822009frd VCV--Istanbul SAW 10.04.10, canc 29.06.10
SX-BTLSky Wings AirlinesMD-822010lsd from BCC, SAW-ATH 25.06.10, frd to DAM 09.11.10 lsd to Cham Wings AL (Syria)
UR-CJRKhors AirMD-822011frd ATH-IEV
UR-CJRAviaTrans KMD-822013is 04-13.07.13 ex BSR and NJF to TBS for Al-Naser AL, ceased ops mid 11.13
UR-CJRDart AirlinesMD-822013optnl by Christmas
EP-MBGIran Air ToursMD-822016sTabriz
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
I-DATP Alitalia EHAMGreggy
I-DATP Alitalia EGLLAyronautica
I-DATP Alitalia LEMDWarthog1