McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [53351 / 2043]

Registration: LV-VCB
Operator: Austral Lineas Aereas
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
LV-VCB Aerolineas Argentinas MD-881993Austral cnc/s Long B fc 28.12.92, s7.02.93, sCDG 17.09.04, sMAD 25.09.04 Aerolineas Arg titl left, Austral right
EC-JKCAir Plus CometMD-882005in Austral col, frd Argentina--Madrid 29.06.05 rrgd there
LV-VCB Austral Lineas AereasMD-882007frd MAD-Sal 21.12.06, frd SJO-LIM-AEP 03.03.07 after overhaul, std Buenos Aires-AEP 27.06.08 without engines, sAEP 01.05.09 with parts of fuselage missing, s09.03.12 in the grass, s13.03.13 being scrapped, tail used on BAC 1-11 LV-MRZ on display San Justo, Argentina s06.13
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EC-JKC Air Plus CometEGKKJLRAviation