McDonnell Douglas MD-80 [53469 / 2116]

Registration: N809TR
Operator: World Atlantic Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
HL7237 Korean AirMD-821995
C-GKLRJetsgoMD-822002AL ceased 10.03.05, pkd YYZ, frd to TUS 14.07.05- KMZH 15.07.05, canc 15.08.05
N876GAAllegiant AirMD-822005Boeing ACHC rgd 24.08.05, Allegiant r02.10.07, Sunrise Asset Management LLC 07.01.11, r11.02.11, sLAS 19.02.11 nc, Travel is our Deal add titles, sLAS 04.02.12 ncs, wfs 30.08.18, frd SFB-OPF 11.09.18
N809TRWorld Atlantic AirlinesMD-822019Odyssey Leasing 25.02.19, N876ZX painted on sOPF 19.02.19 ntu, N876GA canc 25.02.19, presum re-instated, N809TR res 10.09.19 due del ex OPF
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N876GA Allegiant AirKLASGreggy
N876GA Allegiant AirKLASFlyDroo
N876GA Allegiant AirKLASGreggy
N876GA Allegiant AirKLAScolinw
N876GA Allegiant AirKLASGreggy
N876GA Allegiant AirKLASGreggy
N876GA Allegiant AirKLASGreggy