Saab 340 [007]

Registration: ES-LSG
Operator: Airest
HEX Code: 5110C7
Engines: GE CT7-5A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-E07SAAB340A 1984
HB-AHBCrossair340A 1984(Business Air lsd 10.91,ret..?,s opf Bus.Air 10.03.93 full CRX col
SE-LBPairBaltic340A 1995r2610.95,canc 20.01.96
YL-BAGairBaltic340A 1996
OH-SAGAir Botnia340A 1999all white col, id not conf
SE-LBPPrivate340A 2001sLinköping 15.11.01 full Air Botnia col, s31.03.02
OY-SCFScan Con Airways340A 2002OY-GMC ntu, SwAH r5.04.02, s Roskile 8.04.02 white, not yet i.s., opb Avtn Assistance for Scan Con, s Le Mans 16.06.02 white, Scan Con fus titl/tail logo, small "operated by Avtn Assistance" titles, ceased ops, ret lessor, pkd Roskilde 03.06.03, sLinköping 27.05.04 white, s14.08.04
SE-LBPSwedish Air Charter340A 2004
EC-JPHFly LPI340A 2005frd Link-LBG-Palma Son Bonnet 16.06.05 white, pkd, s24.09.05 no EC-reg yet str, due for AeroEste ops from Valencia by late 2005, but to be F-cvtd at Guernsey by Aero Normandy Engineering, s12.04.06 white for overh
G-CDYEBridges Worldwide340A(F)2006canc 08.09.06
S5-BANAdria Airways340A(F)2006depa Guernsey, own Bridges Worldwide, frd LJU-Örebro 27.09.07 white, for sale
S5-BATSolinair340A(F)2007still Bridges WW own, frd Orebr-LJU 07.01.08, sBEG 29.02.08
HA-TAEABC Air Hungary340A(F)2011
ES-LSGAirest340A(F)2015fis 23.11.15
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
ES-LSG AirestEGBBdixieboy
ES-LSG AirestEGSHgrahamepage
HB-AHB CrossairEGQLAyronautica
HB-AHB CrossairLSZHAyronautica