Saab 340 [012]

Registration: LV-CEI
Operator: Sol Lineas Aereas
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CT7-5A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-E12SAAB340A 1985
N380CADelta Connection340A 1985Opb Comair - sCincinnati 22.04.96 no tit
N380CAChicago Express Airlines340A 1996
N108PXNorthwest Airlink340A 1997Opb Express Airlines I - JP/s Louisville 20.04.97 white/FNB rr4.97 and lsd, Express I AL ret less by 10.98, fate?, SSB&TC r15.04.99, AeroCentury Corp 12.08.99 repo still Express, s str Nashville 14.04.03
N108PXFina Air340A 2003sNashville painted in fc, AL ceased mid 07.04, s13.05.05 still Fina titl, "still" at Bangor s01.06
N108PXAmerican Connection340A 2006Opb RegionsAir - based Smyrna TN, lse for 2 years, AL ceased ops
N108PXAerocentury Corporation340A 2007PB Air due 10.09, AL ceased ops after conflict about state, payment etc and ntu, s10.03.10 on overhaul stilll PB fc, N-reg canc 22.07.10
LV-CEISol Lineas Aereas340A 2010frd Springfield--Rosario 28-30.07.10, AL ceased 15.01.16, still sRosario 06.17 Sol cs no props
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