Saab 340 [013]

Registration: OD-IST
Operator: Corporate
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CT7-5A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Business
Status: Written Off
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-E13SAAB340A 1984
SE-ISOSwedair 340A 1984wfu (own PrL 24.06.92)/lst SAS svc 26.03.94 ARN TT18374,25212 L
SE-ISOBritish Midland Commuter340A 1994Opb Swedair - is31.5/ABN Amro r4.08.94,wfu 15.12.94
SE-ISOSkyways Express AB340A 1994Fairbrook 1.95,arr Nashville 27.01.95,canc 8.02.95 SE
LV-PHWTAPSA 340A 1995depa San Antonio 22.02.95
LV-WLDTAPSA340A 1995ret SAAB 12.01
LV-WLDCorporate340A 2001arr Bangor 12.12.01 full TAPSA col, for F-conversion, s str 31.07.03 TAN col, s04.04 no tail, s13.05.05 (see below) as such
N13UVLambert Leasing340A 2004frd Nashville--Örebro 03-07.12.05--Kuwait City 21.12.05 white, N-reg canc 22.12.05, for flights to Iraq, Mash to First Kuwaiti T&C 01.06,
9K-XXXFirst Kuwaiti Trading & Contracting340A 20059K-XXX presum just a dummy reg, no sightings,
OD-ISTCorporate340A 2006dam 12.03.07 Kuwait, hit vehicles while taxiing, wing badly dam, s27.07.07 wfu pkd in corner, bt by C & L Aerospace by 12.07, repo to be frd to Bangor for repairs but permit not granted repo 03.08, sKuwait 20.05.08 white, wfu, minus all useful parts
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
SE-ISO Swedair ESSAWarthog1