Saab 340 [015]

Registration: SP-KPH
Operator: SprintAir
HEX Code: 48A5E7
Engines: GE CT7-5A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-E15SAAB340A 1984
SE-ISPSwedair 340A 1985(own PrL 24.06.92) last SAS svc 26.03.94 ARN TT18347,24073 L
SE-ISPManx Airlines 340A 1994sis CDG,Swed col,Manx tit
SE-ISPSwedair 340A 1994ABN-Amro r4.08.94
SE-ISPSkyways Express AB340A 1995GE CEF r20.09.99, bt by Bridge, a UK freight forwarder, by 11.05, to be F-cvtd
SE-ISPBridges Worldwide340A(F)2006Hong Kong, frd to Linköping for F-conv. by 20.04.06, s03.05.06 being cvtd, Skyways Express r26.04.06, sold to Bridges Worldwide 24.04.06 or after F-conv, canc 27.11.06
SP-KPHSky Express340A(F)2006sGransk 18.12.06, first repo for Adria Cargo, ntu, sHAJ 04.11.07 Farnair Europe col, wetlsd since 29.10.07
SP-KPHSprintAir340A(F)2008Rebrand sRIX 03.09.08 white, sWAW 08.09.09 light blue fc
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