Saab 340 [017]

Registration: SE-ISR
Operator: NextJet
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CT7-5A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-E17SAAB340A 1984
SE-ISRSwedair 340A 1985(own PrL 24.06.92) last svc SAS 20.03.94 ARN TT18115, 23900 L
SE-ISRSkyways Express AB340A 1994ABN-Amro r4.08.94, GE CEF r20.09.99, Ericksson Capital bt by 04.05, due del 06.05
SE-ISRAir Aland340A 2005Opb Skyways - arr Mariehamn MHQ (base) 30.08.05 for flights to Helsinki
LY-ISRAir Aland340A 2005Opb Nordic Solutions Air Service - s27.03.06 HEL titl
SE-ISRAir Aland340A 2008Opb Avitrans Nordic AB - rr 29.08.08 by Alandia, sARN 16.06.09 Air Aland fc, sHEL 05.02.10
SE-ISRNextJet340A 2010
9G-CTSCitylink (CTK)340A 2011frd Bromma--Cagliari 14-15.07.11 white
SE-ISRNextJet340A 2013frd Tamanrasset--Nyköping 04-05.01.13, str, minus engines by 06.2014 presum wfu
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
SE-ISR Swedair ESNXWarthog1