Saab 340 [025]

Registration: LV-CEJ
Operator: Sol Lineas Aereas
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CT7-5A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Written Off
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-E25SAAB340A 1985
N344CADelta Connection340A 1985Opb Comair
N112PXNorthwest Airlink340A 1997Opb Express Airlines I - FNB rr , SSB&TC r15.04.99, AeroCentury Corp 12.08.99
N112PXFina Air340A 2003due ret 07.07, AL ceased mid 07.04, s Bangor 13.05.05 full Fina col
N112PXRegionsAir340A 2006based Smyrna TN, lse for 2 years, AL ceased ops, reposs by Aerocentury ar 03.07, PB Air due 10.09, AL ceased ops after conflict about state, payment etc and ntu, s10.03.10 on overhaul stilll Fina Air fc, canc 21.07.10
N112PXAerocentury Corporation340A 2007reposs by Aerocentury ar 03.07, PB Air due 10.09, AL ceased ops after conflict about state, payment etc and ntu, s10.03.10 on overhaul stilll Fina Air fc, canc 21.07.10
LV-CEJSol Lineas Aereas340A 201018.05.11 nr Prahuanoyeu, Argentina 22(i) cr en route, possible icing/control problems / frd Springfield--Rosario 28-30.07.10
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